Guelph Rehab Centre has a unique and successful approach for many types of repetitive strain injuries such as:


  • Golfers/Tennis Elbow
  • Rotator Cuff Tendonitis
  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • TMJ (temporal mandibular joint dysfunction syndrome)

The tendons become adhesive, shortened, and inflamed, which leads to symptoms typically felt as pain, soreness, decreased mobility, and weakness.

The most common reasons for these types of overuse injuries are:


  • Repetitive movement
  • Poor body mechanics
  • Improper techniques

We have developed integrated treatment protocols that guide the patient through various stages of recovery from initial assessment to discharge.

Our programs integrate 6 key components:

  1. Manual Therapy  (ART, Myofascial Release, Joint mobilization)
  2. Modalities  (Shockwave and Laser)
  3. Acupuncture, IMS, Dry Needling
  4. Postural education and correction
  5. Active rehabilitation
  6. Lifestyle/Homecare program

Treating the affected tissue, as well as the surrounding structures that are contributing to the soft tissue injury and imbalance is the most effective and successful way to get full resolution of repetitive strain injuries.  Our therapists then add stretching and a home care program to avoid a re-occurrence.

Our experienced team provides an integrated collaborative approach to healthcare, providing consistent, quality care with proven results.

Guelph Rehab Centre is one of the few clinics in Guelph with Shockwave Therapy.